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Ayahusca in the West

We are in desperate need of healing and awakening from the illusion that we are separate from the world around us

Separation from Spirit

Shamans say that the disease of the West is caused by our disconnection from our true spiritual nature.

If we look at the world we see fear, sickness and destruction. The denial of our place in the universe causes separation and global degradation.

The western culture is full of grief as we try to hold onto impermanent things and deny death as vital part of life.

Without doubt we need to change our ways to live in more harmony and experience peace. This powerful medicine has the potential to help us have a direct experience of our expanded, infinite self and our connection to our true divine nature.


Surge of Ayahuasca in the West

About 40 years ago Shamans from all around started to spread this medicine and make it available to the west.

As a result many medicine circles were formed and started to operate and more and more people started to explore the healing potential of this Sacred Plant Medicine.

Each year thousands of tourist go down to the Peruvian Amazon to take Ayahuasca. There is growing number of centers such as the Temple of the way of Light which offers guided journeys and integration with indigenous elders and shamans.

Shamans believe that it is crucial at this time to bring this medicine to the west to help us heal, awaken and remind us that we are all connected and One.

  • Separation from Spirit and global degradation            

  • Need for healing, reconnection

  • Growing Ayahuasca circles in the west and in Peru

  • Ayahusca as tool for awakening, healing  and transformation

"The Mother Ayahuasca is our powerful ally for change on our path to healing,  peace and harmony"

  • Revolution in health care

  • Self care                Participatory medicine

  • Legalization                   Medical research                    of psychoactive substances

  • Unprecedented recovery   rates

  • Churches and communities providing spiritual and communal context

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

There is a radical evolution in healthcare.

Tired of being a powerless, passive victim of a disease, more and more people are taking responsibility for their health and their life. Self care and participatory medicine slowly moves to the front and creates a shift in the mainstream western medical paradigm.


Psychedelic assisted therapy started to enter mainstream science not too long ago and the widespread legalization of cannabis as a medicinal plant also show a shift in understanding and a start of a new era in the healing field. More research is being made currently both by government bodies and independent organizations to understand and utilize the healing potential of psychoactive substances.


Research so far shows unprecedented recovery rates and tells us that as little as one time use of certain psychedelic substances (like ayahuasca, psilocybin, MDMA) can greatly and permanently improve conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression, addiction, PTSD and so on.


This renewed scientific interest in psychedelic medicine is generating new knowledge about a class of pharmacologic substances that humans have long used for ceremonial, therapeutic and cultural purposes. This research and discovery of psychedelic medicine hopefully will open clinical and therapeutic doors long closed to embrace this powerful ally in healing and recovery.


Spiritual and communal context

The use of this medicine goes beyond physical healing and cannot be separated from a spiritual context. Traditionally the community provided this context and support with the help of a shaman healer.


The need for community and context is still there and there are many forming communities in the west to provide guidance and support on this path of healing and self discovery.

Currently two churches in the US can legally provide ayahuasca to their followers in their ceremonies, the UVD and Santo Daime.

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