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The Ayahusca Brew

The Ayahuasca is a powerful Deva, plant spirit, revered as the the Mother of all plants

a Master Healer and Teacher

The Ayahuasca brew

There are many names of this ancient medicine most widely known as tea or yage.

The Mother Ayahuasca is associated with the feminine energy, the dark womb of the Earth where deep transformation takes place.

She asks for deep surrender to witness the death of the shadow self and to reborn, re-awaken to our true nature.


In the original tradition this brew only contains two ingredients, harvested and cooked in a ritual and prepared by a Shaman or a Plant Master.


1. Ayahusca vine – Banisteriopsis Caapi

2. Chakruna leaves – Psychoria viridis


Activated through the natural synergy of these two plants we absorb DMT through digestion instead of inhalation creating a truly unique experience.


Brain chemistry and Ayahuasca

DMT is a simple molecule that is found in hundreds of species of plants and produced in small amounts in the brains of most mammals. Many believe that endogenous DMT produced naturally in the body by the pineal gland might be involved in spiritual transcendental experiences such as birth and death.

Natural DMT is totally safe and there are no harmful side effects on physical health reported so far.

DMT works by mimicking the neurotransmitter serotonin.

When taking Ayahuasca the brain is flooded with DMT that activates serotonin receptors, enhancing higher brain functions such as the neo-cortex, amygdala and insula. These areas are associated with self-awareness, introspection and stored emotions.

The hyper-activation of emotional memories enables the conscious part of the new brain to temporarily override previously entrenched patterns, allowing new connections to be made.

This means we can review memories from a different perspective and rise above and come to a deeper understanding.

Through acceptance and letting go of painful memories, unhealed wounds we come to a place of forgiveness and inner peace.

  • Ayahuasca and Chakruna Natural, safe         

  • DMT and serotonin          Higher brain functions              Meditative state

  • Emotional relief       Acceptance, forgiveness Letting go of painful memories

"The Mother Ayahuasca is traditionally known as the

'Vine of the Dead"

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