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The Science Revolution

Educate yourself series Pt2

Science defines our Reality, our Life

Through science we try to understand the nature of reality. It discribes how the world works and how humans operate. So let's see how our science understands our reality.

Science defines the way we think, the way we see the world.

The knowledge that is available for us defines what we think of the world. For example people believed in the past (based on their reasearch and evidence) that the world was flat or that the sun circled around the earth. So you can say they have seen the world in a very different way.

What is Newtonian Physics?

I grew up learning Newtonian Physics. Thanks to Sir Isaac Newton 1642 - 1726. Probably you too. It wasn't my favorite subject but nonetheless it affected my mind and how I see the world and myself.

Anyways I just want to highlight that our modern science based on 17. century evidence.

This physics tells us that everything is made up of matter. If we break that matter down we find the smallest particle, the atom, the smallest building block of life. Because nature is mechanic, if we study the atom we will understand the whole system.

It tells us that all the forces that act on nature can be discribed and predicted (eg. E=mc2) and it informs us that these laws are fixed and unchangable (such as Gravity or The speed of light).

It tells us that nothing exists that you cannot see, hear, taste, smell or touch. And in the end the univesre is unconscious, there is no purpose no direction.

Ah how depressing!

Let's see what is the difference between some of the main principles in newtonian physics and in the quantum theory.

What is Quantum Theory?

I came across quantum physics about 10 years ago (through my own research, because nobody mentioned this in the school) and I have to tell you it made a big impact on me. Let me share.

Quantum theory is wierd. In order to try and understand it we need to forget everything we know about cause and effect, reality, certainty, and much else besides. This is a different world, it has its own rules, rules of probability that make no sense in 'our normal' world.

'It is impossible, absolutely impossible to explain it in any classical way'.

It tells us that everything is energy and vibration. Everything is moving, changing all the time. Even the solid things. It tells us that everything exists in infinate potential. I know this is a bit hard to grasp.

There is no such thing as fixed laws and predictable outcomes. It informs us that The observer (you) constantly interacts with environment and influences the outcome. Everything is connected with everything else. This means that even the smallest of act will affect the whole system. You affect the whole system all the time, through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Quantum theory tells us that there is so much more that we cannot percieve through our 5 senses. (such as ultraviolet light or radiation). There infinite possibilities, there are infinite dimensions, worlds and realities.

Wow, this sounds a lot better to me!


Well, I think you don't have to be a professor to see that there are a huge difference between these two models, describing the basic truths about our universe. I think we can say there is a paradigm shift in physics and it will alter your life very deeply.

Food for thought

How does this information affects the way you see and think about the world and yourself?


Quantum Physics and Quantum Theory

Coming next:

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