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Sacred Geometry - The Language of Light

Educate yourself Series Pt4


I am excited to share this with you guys not only becuse its literally a beautiful subject, but beacuse the following theory seems to be aligned with the new evidence that we mentioned in the previuos posts before.

What is Sacred geometry?

In nature everything follows patterns, structures and designs that follow certain geometrical shapes. Literally all forms can be discribed by this geometry. This special shapes tell us about each form and its vibrational resonance.

Basically these shapes and desings create all reality and can be seen everywhere in nature.

Can it be that sacred geometry is a foundation of nature, and all evolving life follows this geometric pattern?

And what are exactlythese shapes we are talking about?

Just to give you an idea and a point of reference to base your further research on this topic, as you will see these shapes and forms can be called the building blocks of life from a geometrical perspective at least.

  • sphere, circle, point

  • square root of 2, Golden Ratio (Phi)

  • square root of 3, Vesica Piscis

  • spirals, toroids

  • fractals and Recursive geometries, Fibonacci numbers

  • triangles, platonian solids, archimedian solids

  • Metatron's Cube, The Flower of Life

  • 64 tetrahedral grid, Star Tetrahedron, Cube Octahedron

Sacred Geomerty and The Unified field Theory

I would like to introduce you to the work of Nassim Haramein, who is an unconventional physicist and has a great sense of humour that in not very common among scientists.

His research resulted in his Unified Field Theory that explains how the infinite energy moves along these geometric patterns creates all living things all the time.

Definitely his radical point of view totally undermines conventional physics and requires on open mind and some common sense to really grab the magnitude and the implications of his findings and scientific discovery.

Einstein and the Unified Field Theory

You probably heard that Einstein was looking for (without success) a unifying theory that would explain literally everything that happens in the universe. Unfortunately modern physics drifted back to the conventional way of looking at the atom as a key to understand how everything works.

Nasim Haramein: The Unified field Theory

"This is physics explaining consciousness"

I think probably Einstein would be proud of Nassim Haramein by following his ideas suggesting a different way of thinking.

Nassim proposes that to know more about the nature of reality we have to inquire and explore new possibilities, new angles. This leads to a change the focus of the inquiry.

Space connects everything?

If we are looking for the unifying principle, it seems logical to ask the question: what connects everything?

This could be our starting point of inquiry. And the answer is: space. Space connects everything.

Actually all matter is made up of 99.999999% of space. Our world is mostly space, so it makes sense to put it into the center of our attention.

  • Looking at space instead of the atom

When we look at the quantum level – space is not empty, it is full of energy.

They calculated it and they found that the vacuum is super dense, it is an infinite source of energy.

  • Space is not empty - it's an infinite source of energy

Matter doesn't difine space.

Matter is a division of the structure os space itself.

Protons are infinitely dense and are spinning with the speed of light.

  • The space defines matter

Based on mathematical evidence by calculating the mass of an atom lead to the discovery that actually the atom is a black hole.

The vacuum is creating all atoms. The material world is a tiny leak in the vacuum.

  • The atom is a black hole, a vacuum

The source of creation is not the atom, but space itself, the infinite energy contained by the vacuum. The vacuum is the source of all creation and it is happening all the time. The vacuum is an infinitely dividing space difyning matter. We live in a fractal universe of infinite division. The pattern of division is a toriod field.

We are vibrating light beings interacting with the vacuum.

So what is the diving pattern of space, vacuum, creation?

The pattern of creation - The Torus

​Based on his discoveries and understanding that all movement of energy follows a fundamental geometry of the vacuum he proved that the Flower of Life pattern that is based on a 64 tetrahedral structure defines the fundamental structure in space.

  • The Flower of Life (the organizing principle)

  • 64 tetrahedral structure (fundamental structure of space)

The dynamics of the torodial field - the Movement of Space

If you spin the Flower Of Life pattern you get a toroid shape and the movement of this torus can be described by these geometrical pattarns also.

Expansion (male - electric): described by 64 tetrahedral grid infinitely expanding movement.

Collapsion (female - magnetic): described by the cube octaherdon (vector equlibrium) which represents perfect stillness.

Did you Know?

The human heart generates an electromagnetic field that takes the perfect shape of torus around the human body.


Where doest this leave us? Nassim's unique point of view creates a radical shift in physics in general and in our understanding of Life and its meaning.

This theory and the relevant evidence suggests that we have to look a very different way at our lives.

  • We are all one

Everyhting is connected through space, space is a source of all creation. Space is full of energy, constantly vibrating. The movement of space (flow of energy) can be described by geometric patterns.

  • Creation is within us - Go within

We live in a fractal universe. We are space, a vacuum, infinitely dividing. The atom is a black hole. The smallest part (the atom) contains the infinite (the vacuum) and thus holds all the information.

  • We are not alone

Is it possible that other intelligent beings trying to communicate to us through sacred geometry, crop circles?

Can it be that the unifying language of this universe is geometry?

Food for thought

This train of thought might seem too radical at first, but I encourage you to explore, go within:) and tune into these beautiful and magical patterns!


  • Nassim Haramein - The Unified Theory

  • The Template (vibrational medicine)

  • Drunvalo Melchizedek - Sacred Geometry and Consciousness

Coming up next

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