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Re-Defining Healing

Educate yourself series Pt 7

Our Prescious Health

Our health is important. It determines the quality of Life.

You can be the richest person in the world but if you are sick, you cannot enjoy it.

When we are healthy and balanced we feel good, we are full of energy and have a positive outlook on life. When we are out of balance we feel depressed, we suffer and feel powerless over our lives.

Our main priority therefore is to return to health and balance as quick as smooth as possible.

Curing the disease

When we are talking about healing, health and healers it is important to define what we mean by those words. In the Old Paradigm Medicine health is considered mostly physical, to be healthy means to have a body that is not sick or diseased. Healing is 'fixing' the symptom (the illness, disease) and restore the physical body to working order. This model does not take into consideration our, mind, heart and spirit.

Healing – Restoration of Balance

In the New Paradigm Healing is considered the wellbeing of the whole person, the equilibrium of the multidimensional self (mind-body-heart-spirit). In other words this means that all of our parts are balanced and working together for the benefit of the whole person. Therefore from this perspective healing can be described as restoring balance in the whole system, the whole being. Restoring balance in the mind, the heart, the body and the spirit. (More detail on this later.)

Healer – Scientific Medical doctor

who treats the disease

The next obvious question is that: Who is the Healer, doctor etc?

In the old paradigm, the doctor (healer) is a medical professional who is interested in the healing, mostly because this is his livelihood, but not necessarily interested in the individual and his or her healing process. He is mostly interested to 'fix' the symptom and most likely he doesn't have time and energy to spend time with the patient and look for the real cause of the disease.

The Healer is You

In the New Paradigm Healing the healer is the patient. We have the power to heal ourself. Sometimes we don't know how to go about it in this case we need a healer. A Healer in this context is a person who 'remembers' how to heal, balance ourselves and can help you to connect with your own innate healing power, your own knowing.

The healer is a person who facilitates the healing process, helping the patient, the real healer, to restore his or her balance. The Healer in this context looks at the whole being and guides the patient to the places of imbalance for healing to be happen. The Healer knows that his or her beliefs, feelings and intentions influence the healing process and therefore always has a perspective of wholeness and connectedness. The best interest of the Healer is the best interest of the patient because the Healer knows that everything is connected, all is one, In Lak'esh Alak'in – you are another me. Thus the healer is always personal and compassionate.

Healer is a Navigator

Guide, Facilitator, Support

The Navigator concept - Maori Tradition

In the maori shamanic tradition during healing rituals the shaman – Kahuna (Keeper of knowledge) – healer is viewed as a navigator who safely navigates through the storm, through different realms of reality (mind-body-spirit) and helps to restore balance by bringing you into a safe harbor at the end of this journey.

I like this metaphor of the navigator concept because it captures the essence of the Healer I think.

Responsibility of Healing

Your Healing is Your Responsibility

What can we conclude from all this?

First of all we are responsible for our healing. We have to take our power back and recognize that we are active participants and creator of our health. We need to make changes in our everyday lives to restore balance in our health, in our lives, in our whole being. We have to 'change' our mind to think differently and create different solutions. We have to 'feel' what is right for us because we are unique beings and nobody knows us better than ourselves. We have to restore our connection to our nature in order to save ourselves, nature and the planet we live with.

We have to recognize that plenty of support is available all along the way but we have to do the work and ultimately only we are responsible for the outcome.

A new way of thinking

New Paradigm (Integrative) Healing

The allopathic medical practice is very effective in trauma, in emergency and for minor physical modifications and it blessed us with cutting edge science diagnostical tools.

But its promise of a disease-free future clearly didn't happen, on the contrary we are more sick than ever. Most people think that this is the only reliable medicine and all the other approaches are outdated.

But I suggest that maybe allopathic medicine is not the answer to all of our questions and we have to incorporate other perspectives for the wellbeing of each individual and all humanity.

Everything we need is Here, Now

Plenty of information, data, evidence and tools are available to us right now. Ancient spiritual knowledge that was passed down and practiced, perfected through generations affirms new scientific discoveries, such as we are all one, everything is connected, we create our reality.

These practices help us to understand and interpret (translate) scientific information and tells us how to utilize it for our benefit, in our healing and reconnection.

Instead of “War on disease” approach

I recommend “Let's restore balance!” movement.

For you which one feels better? And honestly what do you have to loose?

Food for thought

How does this information changes the way you feel about yourself and the world? Do you know that you have the power to heal yourself and return to health and balance?

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