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Discovering the Mental Body - The Nature of Your Mind

Educate yourself series Pt13

In the next couple of posts we are going to explore a super exciting topic, the Mind! This area of exploration is always a hot spot because we all are so personnally involved as we all have minds:)

The discovery of the Mind

is an ongoing process and it can take various perspectives like religious, scientific, spiritual, pysychological, theoretical, practical, medicinal and the list goes on. However it seems that there is some kind of convergence happening in terms of science and spirituality coming together in a much more harmonious way. This convergence can be especially noticed we we discuss the topic of the mind.

As technology is getting more and more refined, science can now measure and prove what ancient spiritual texts have told us thousands of years ago. We are going to have a look at these new discoveries and some spiritual practices to get a better understanding of how our Mind works.


Open your mind, what comes next

is going to blow your mind:)

You and your mind - an intimate relationship

In term of health and well being the power of the mind and the mind-body connection is more and more recognized.

To fully understand how can you utilize best the power of your mind to restore health and wellbeing in your life on every level, you have to understand how your mind works and what is your relationship to it.

Your mind is an ally

You have to recognize that your thoughts are not something separate from you and in fact they affect and create the very life you live in right now.

By understanding yourself from the perspective of your mind and opening your mind to different possibilities you gain a powerful tool, an ally in your journey of self-discovery and returning to health, happiness and balance.

The Mental Body

Based on the new definition of human as a Multidimensional, vibrational energy being, the main aspects of you from a healing perspective are

  • physical body – can be perceived with our 5 senses

  • emotional body (heart) – energetic body

  • mental body (mind) – energetic body

  • spiritual body (spirit) – energetic body

The mental body is also an energy body that surrounds and infuses our physical being and extends beyond it. Similar to the emotional body but instead of storing emotions, it stores thoughts forms, beliefs, and ideas we believe in.

You can imagine it as an 'invisible' energy body, a field that surrounds you and penetrates all parts of your being. Many also call this mind-field or consciousness so we will use this term referring to the mind or the mental body – or energy field.

Science proved that our thoughts and our memories are not stored in our physical brains but are part of an energy field.

Our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and values are stored energetically in our mental body, you can say they form the basic software (program, belief system) that we operate from.

Let's understand how the mind works!

Mind - Consciousness

Deepak Chopra

“Consciousness (mind) is primary, the brain is secondary. This is like saying that music is primary, the radio is secondary. Whatever is primary comes first and

holds the essence of life.”

Mind - Memories, belief systems, values

The mind is the sum of your thoughts, beliefs, hopes and dreams, values what you think is possible or not possible for you. Everything you can think of is imprinted (stored) in your mind. Your mind is your consciousness. A little part of it you are aware, you know some things but for the bigger part you are 'unconscious' not aware of the data, information that is stored in your mind-consciousness.

Mind - Morphogenetic Field

Rupert Sheldrake's extensive exploration and evidence proves beyond the doubt the existence of the mind as a field of energy. This field of energy contains information, data, memory that informs-creates, bring forth the life experience of the individual organism. Don't worry if you don't get this quite yet. You will understand this very quickly.

So this just means in simple words that your life is created by the 'data' (beliefs, thoughts, unconscious programs, patterns) that is in your mental body, in your mind, in your consciousness.

Because everything is connected, your mind, your mental energy field is connected to other energy fields and to all energy because we are all one.

Different layers of the Mind

  • personal-collective-global-universal

Personal, familiar, religious, political, regional, national, global, universal, spiritual identity, belief systems and identities are all part of your individual experience. It is all part of who you think you are, they give you your basic beliefs about how the world works and how you operate. You can think of these as different layers of your mind, your identity.


Our minds (mental body energy fields) are connected. Some people can 'tune in' very cleary to another person's energy field and get information in ways that is difficult for most of us to understand. (psychic phenomena) But when we accept that the mind is an energy field and it is connected to a bigger field and so on and so forth it is easier to understand these occurences.

From the perspective of a collective or universal mind it is easier to understand the concepts of past life or ancestral memories.

It is easier to understand how can somebody get information about somebody different or from a different timeframe.

By understanding how our minds – information systems – memories are connected we realize our possibilities and our responsibility regarding our thoughts and beliefs as a powerful tool for balance, healing and conscious manifestation.

The Brain

The brain is a tool, a translator that interprets the mind. You can say that the brain is the hardware and the mind is the software (program). When most peopl they think of their mind they associate to their brain. Most of us think that the mind lives in the physical brain and all our thoughts and memories are stored there. It is true that the brain is interconnected with the mind but the brain doesn't contain the mind.

The mental body (mind) is an energy field that contains information, data and memories. The Mind is perceiving this reality through the 5 senses and this information is translated and interpreted by the brain. So the mind is more than your brain. Your brain is like a tool that your mind uses to interpret this 3 dimensional reality. Whoa!

The conscious and the unconscious mind

You can imagine your mind as an iceberg with only the tip of the berg above the water. This 5% of your mind (tip of the iceberg) is your conscious mind, all your thoughts and preferences that you are aware of, you know of. Everything that you think about yourself and the world, all your thoughts, ideas and memories that you can remember are all stored here.

95% of your mind is 'unconscious'

However there is the 95% of your mind that is most commonly called unconscious mind or subconscious. It means that everything that you ever experienced, from the moment of your conception left an imprint, a memory and all this is stored in the unconscious mind. All these imprints and memories form thoughts and beliefs and these thoughts and beliefs create unconscious programs that you operate out of even though you are mostly not aware of this.

It means that you hold powerful programs and beliefs that you are not even aware of that shape and form your everyday life experience. It means that you are directed mostly by your unconscious mind circling in the same patterns, experiencing the same story over and over again, not knowing why you cannot move forward in the direction of your desire.

Unconscious programs in your mind

We understand that the mind (consciousness) is the software (program) and the brain is the translator (hardware) that interprets and uses the software.

"Your programs (sowfware) are your thoughts and beliefs that you operate out from. You behave the way you think, and your way of being becomes your experience of life. This is how you create your reality through your mind."

Our thoughts create, affect our lives so it is important to know what our beliefs (thoughts, programs) are if we want to change something in our lives for the better.

Most of our basic programs are stored in the unconscious mind simply because this is where most of the stuff (95%) is in our mind. Therefore it is logical to focus on this part of the Mind a little longer.

Where the thoughts, beliefs come from?

Because the mind is an energy field – it is recording experiences, memories from the moment of conception. Let's see how our life experiences affect our lives, creating basic beliefs, thought patterns, programs that create our everyday behavior.

The following review is about the most significant factors, effects that impact, influence our way of thinking, the way we see ourself and the world. We do this to understand how our basic beliefs, our main programs are formed, programmed into our present mind.

1. Birth experience (from conception to delivery)

There is plenty of evidence that the birth experience creates a powerful memory stored long term in the mind. It is proven that from the moment of conception we record impressions and experiences that forms a so called 'limbic imprint'.

The Limbic Imprint

The limbic imprint refers to a type of recording experience, memory, through the limbic system in the reptilian part of the brain. This happens in the very early stages, before the cortex is fully developed.

Your Mind is already programmed before you are born

What this means is that all that your mother experienced through her pregnancy with you all her thoughts, feelings had a major impact on you, on the way your mind works, how you think today. It means that the birth – delivery process had a major impact on how you think today, how you think about yourself and the world, what you think love is and what you think you are capable of. It means that powerful basic beliefs and concepts and understandings were formed in your mind even before you could speak or think for yourself as an individual entity.

It is widely known in scientific circles that a severe trauma occurring throughout the pregnancy or the birth has a major effect on the psyche of the individual.

Birth trauma – mental-emotional imbalances

Several methods were developed over time to heal major physical-mental-emotional imbalances by healing the birth trauma and helping the individual to release emotions and beliefs resulted from a traumatic birth experience.

One great example is Rebirthing beside other valuable practices.

Rebirthing and Clarity Breathwork

Rebirthing, founded by Leonard Orr in the 1970’s and taught worldwide by both Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray. Its purpose was to address and heal the birth trauma.

“There is countless evidence supporting the fact that experiences we can't even remember (starting from being in the womb) create powerful programs and forces that will affect our lives long term in a fundamental level. This method (and many other similar techniques) is utilized today more and more widely in trauma healing and changing unconscious patterns.”

2. First six (0 – 6) years of personal development

Neuroplasticity. The plastic mind. Theta state – half hypnotic mental states.

The Theta Mind - downloading information

Do you ever wonder why children learn more in their first few years of life? The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children are predominantly in Theta. This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can think of this stage of life like as a period of installing the basic software (beliefs, thought patterns, habits) in your mind.

Half hypnotic state of mind

This theta state is basically a half hypnotic state when we 'unconsciously' download information without any discernment.

We get easy access to this information (data, programs) on a 24/7 basis in our immediate environment like the family and the society we live in. In this period of time we constantly observe and assimilate what we see, sense and experience around us.

Powerful early childhood programming

All what this means is that in early childhood we are in a kind of half-awake state of mind (consciousness) and absorb the majority of the data, information, thoughts and beliefs into our plastic (mostly empty, programmable) mind. It means that this is the most intense time when this 'mind-forming' is happening, when we download our basic programs, beliefs, thought patterns, ideas, value systems from our immediate environment we live in.

Forming of the core belief systems

Our experiences during this period of life are extremely powerful and important and have a long term effect on our lives. We have to see and accept that we have many beliefs formed even before we remember and some might not be very helpful for us anymore and we have the power to change the program, belief, software because we are the one who put (downloaded) it there the first place.

3. Mind-forming effects of Trauma

First of all everyone I know experiences some kind of trauma so don't take it so personnally:)

Life can be traumatic sometimes but it doesn't have to be so and there are many ways of heal trauma if we are willing to let go of our suffering. More about this later.

Any kind of trauma, physical, mental, emotional abuse that an individual suffered will effect that person deeply and will create thoughts and beliefs that are not healthy for the individual.

Experiencing any form of abuse will create self-sabotaging beliefs and self-destructing behaviors that will prevent the indicidual to live a happy and healthy life in general.

4. Other Life experiences

"Maybe it's time for a Mind Upgrade?"

Basically all your life experiences inform, influence your mind ( mental body) all the time. However the understanding that your main software (program, belief-system) in your mind was created mostly before you were six years old will help you to see that maybe it is time for an 'update' and a revision of your mind (belief-system) to create a better health-life version.

What we learnt so far about the Mind?

As the mind is an energy field it interacts with everything all the time. The Mind is always changing and can be consciously changed – programmed.

Most of the basic programs (belief-systems) we operate from are in the unconscious and we downloaded them there in the early years (0-6) of our lives. Mostly we are not aware of these programs, we don't know about them, we don't know that they are there. The good news is that there are many ways of accessing the unconscious mind and create new programs.

It is time for a Mind Update!

You create your Life. You create your Life with your thoughts, beliefs, habits, actions, with your Mind.

The programming of your mind starts before you are born and mostly finished by the time you are 6 years old.

Your uncoscious holds the key to unlock the power of your creative mind. You can change your thoughts, you can change your Mind. Stay with us to learn how.

Food for Thought

How does this information changes the way you think about yourself and the world?

Do you know what goes on in Your Mind?

Do you think that your thoughts matter?

Is it easy for you to change your mind?

Coming up next

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